The black and white on red looks incredibly cool... and menacing, and the stress lines around their eyes really add a ton to the expression.
Excellent work!
The black and white on red looks incredibly cool... and menacing, and the stress lines around their eyes really add a ton to the expression.
Excellent work!
Thank youu
What a fun character design this is. Very creative!!
Thank u!!!
This art style is incredibly intriguing to look at. Feels very dreamlike. Fantastic work!
TYYYYY I like when my art has a kinda fever dream feeling
Fun designs! Do you reckon you'll recreate these doodles as more complete illustrations?
Either way, they look wonderful!
don't have plans at the moment but maybe one day, i get kinda lazy when it comes to coloring or shadding
Love the fit! The world could use more top hat-wearing characters.
I am a Top Hat supporter
Spooky! Really cool concept for some pixel art!
Thank you heh heh
What an intriguing design. Cool!
Thank you! I just revealed the full image and I'll behaving my VTuber debut soon ^^
It's really impressive to see the things folks can put together with such a limited set of tools at their disposal. Excellently done!
Thank you :)
This was a quick drawing???
Excellent job! That slightly skewed angle and motion lines in the background look really nice, and they make this scene appear very chaotic.
Thank you. Well it had to be quick since it was the 1st day of Easter & I had a lot of house work so I used my black pens to do it in about an hour and a half. Sketched out the drawing the other night tough so that helped.
☆ Yahaha! You found me! ☆
Call me Wumbles! I draw a lot of fun and bizarre things, and also animate from time to time.
Age 20, n
drawer of things
The Webspace
Joined on 4/25/24